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Check out the weather in your area. Usual ... cannot be responsible for inaccurate weather forecast statement in websites below ... but much better than they used to be:

Net Weather - good general overview and quick summary.

Mountain Weather Information Service - covers Scotland, England and Wales and good for riders despite the top-of-mountain focus. Includes very good daily forecasts as a printable PDF file. Used widely by professionals who work in the outdoors. Available 16:30 the day before - reliable. Goverment funded - no adverts! Can have it sent to mobile or faxed for free everyday:
North West Highland and the Great Glen >>>
Cairngorms National Park, Monadhliath >>>
The West Highlands >>>

Scottish Weather Net - useful live data (amateur weather stations), very good charts and other links on the menu if you like pressure, rain, wind stuff... My weather station is on the map and down below; 'Mount Eagle' on the Black Isle!

BBC Weather - good maps and video summary. Good radar of rain for Scotand - down page and select.

The Met Office - accurate and comprehensive - but tricky finding your way through all the adverts.



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